
Sometimes you need a whole grain/vegetable boost. I had a very indulgent weekend food and beverage wise so today needed something a bit healthier but still exciting enough to compete with the roast potatoes and pork of last night. So I thought what better way to make something exciting than to mix loads of stuff together and hope for the best!

My thought process for this salad was simple, incorporate colour and texture, two things I love in food, to make something yummy and exciting to eat. Bright green veg and seeds, flecked with very dark lentils and raisins all with lots of different textures; chewy, crunchy and soft. Mission accomplished!

I make salads like these often for work, a mix of grain, legume and veg, this one I have to say is up there on my favourites and I can honestly say I would serve it to guests. You could also make quite a lot of this and take it to work a couple of days in a row, it's perfect with a side of fresh sliced tomatoes or a soft boiled egg.

Green & Black Wheatberry Salad
Serves 2-4 

1/4 cup black lentils
1/3 cup wheat berries
1 small onion diced
1/4 leek chopped
1/2 of a broccoli chopped into small florets
3 tbsp raisins
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

Pesto of your choice, I used a parsley walnut pesto but this would be great with basil pesto as well
2 tsp lemon juice
a couple of grates of lemon rind
1 tsp dijon
2 tsp olive oil
pinch of chilli flakes if you like it hot!

Boil the wheat berries and lentils in separate pots, they should take about 20 -30 minutes. (I use black lentils since they do not disintegrate when cooked, they remain firm and unmushy. Green french lentils will also work, just not red or brown, they will disintegrate and turn to mush.)

Sautee the onion, leek and broccoli in a touch of olive oil.

Prepare your dressing by mixing the pesto, lemon, rind, olive oil, chilli and dijon in the bottom of your salad bowl to incorporate it.

When the wheat berries and lentils are done drain them and immediately toss them into the dressing and coat them well. Adjust seasoning to your liking. Add the raisins, pumpkin seeds and sauteed broccoli, onion and leeks, mix it thoroughly.


  1. Martina!!!!!!!!!!!! Your blog looks amazing! I am hooked already! By the way I've been making your Japanese dish a lot! Always a success! Big kiss form Hamburg!! Xxx Eve

  2. It all looks delicious. (Eveline sent me your blog and it is great.)

    Have a beautiful week.

  3. thanks guys! :) I'm glad you like it
